Sunday, 26 February 2012

P&G (procter and gamble) TEST ON ANIMALS!

So everyone should know who P&G are.... no? Well, Traditionally known for their soaps and detergents, P&G now produce a massive range of products in hair care, cosmetics, perfumes, personal hygiene, laundry care, snack food, paper and feminine hygiene, and even pet food. P&G’s brands include Ariel, Daz, Fairy, Max Factor, Olay, Pantene Pro-V, Herbal Essences, and Head and Shoulders, for a full list of their products click here:

Basically it has come to the attention of the public that P&G do actually test on animals!
I'm not here to preach as i always say in my blog, but don't you find it slightly disturbing that most of your everyday household products have been tested on an innocent creature that was living and breathing a very normal happy life before hand? If you have a conscience you will carry on reading.

Procter & Gamble exist for one reason, and one reason only - to make as much money as possible. P&G test on animals because of their desire to get new chemical ingredients on to the market. This allows them to claim that their new hair dye, skin cream or washing powder etc. is ‘new, improved’, in the hope of increasing sales. But with many companies producing similar consumer products without carrying out animal tests, it shows that P&G’s cruelty is motivated by greed.

So now you must be wondering, what can i do about this?
The best thing would be to head over to this link and have a read of what you can do to boycott P&G! There is also a link at the bottom of the page with more ideas on what you can do to help, the link is:

Animals are living creatures, just like us. Put yourself in their position.
Here are a few images of what 'animal testing' looks like.

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